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Potential Signs of Investment Fraud

After years of building an investment portfolio, you’re presented with what appears to be a home-run financial opportunity. Before jumping in headfirst and betting your lifesavings, think twice.

Investment fraud is big business in an economic downturn, and can lure novice and sophisticated investors alike. In many cases, the victims are elderly.

All investments contain certain risks. Anyone who promises high returns with little or no risk is more than likely trying to scam you out of your money.

A recent article by Financial Highway offers several tips for spotting potential financial fraud schemes:

Pressure to invest immediately: Whenever someone is pressured to immediately turn over money regarding a potential investment “opportunity,” consider it a red flag. In any investment, it’s wise to research the company or investment advisor behind the investment pitch. Is the company legitimate? Are there arbitration filings or disciplinary actions against the broker? Is the person or company a member of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA)? To investigate the background of an investment firm or broker, check FINRA’s Broker Check Web site.

Lack of quality information about the investment:  When discussing investments, ask yourself if your questions are being answered thoroughly. Is the person offering comprehensive information about the financial product in question? Is he or she willing to provide physical documentation, such as a prospectus and other financial documents? If the answer is no, it could be a sign of a scam.

Flashy presentations that don’t hold up: According to the Financial Highway article, most fraudsters produce Web sites and marketing materials that on the surface appear professional but on closer inspection don’t add up. For instance, there may be a number of spelling and grammar mistakes or the description of the investment itself simply doesn’t make any sense.

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